Sunday 28 June 2015

Busking for Nuggets

An afternoon at work, when conversations began to flitter from work to social life we started to discuss the expense of London and, of course, how skint we all were and in dyer need of a night out. Doing some maths I was convinced that we could still have a great night on a tenner. With only me and my best friend at work up for the challenge  and convincing  ourselves that we could achieve this, we both headed out with £10.00 each in our pockets and no credit/debit card to help us.

After several bottles of wine, shots, and cocktails having been consumed and paid for, with a little help from the new "friends" we had met that evening, we decided home and bed was calling. 

After hugging our favourite bouncer goodbye (to this day I still call him Winston – this is definitely not his actual name), we started on our merry way feeling like rockstars. Half way down the street, nattering away, we both gave each other the look. The look that then leads to a conversation about food and results in a drunken trip to the golden gates, even though of course we were both on “diets”

Once at Piccadilly Circus we arrived at our feeding hole having decided that just some nuggets would be suffice until we gorged whatever remnants I had in the fridge when we got home. The only problem, payment. DAMN THE BAN on bloody cards!!!!

Could we ask people to buy us food? No. Could we eat people's left overs? No. I'm not a bloody tramp. Could we steel nuggets by jumping behind the counter? Neither of us exactly elegant or a criminal mastermind, so no.

Could we busk for our nuggets?... Could we actually busk (quizzical face)....?

With no talents to my name, I just stared at my friend. A Brit School performer with a beautiful singing voice I pleaded with her to do something. Before I knew it, she was belting out an Amy Winehouse number and performing some modern, hip-hop jig. It was enchanting and magical, and probably very confusing for anyone who wasn’t as trollied as we were. Bringing nothing to this partnership, and my concerns running high of her taking in money and unwilling to split the nuggets, I did the only thing I could to contribute. Sell the product.  On a freezing cold evening I took off one if my shoes (neither of us were wearing hats so I improvised) and started to try and get money from wondering strangers who were clearly enjoying the comedy act we had come to preform. 

"Isn't she amazing"
"The talent"
"Don't you wish you could sing like that"

And finally when I got impatient..,

"Come on, we only want enough for some nuggets"

I really don't think waving my smelly shoe in peoples faces for them to put money in helped our cause at all.

After raising a solid £2.00 in 30 mins and convincing ourselves that we could totally do this for a living we decided to call it a night. Mainly so we could get our nuggets. Feeling like heros we entered mcdonalds, expecting a round of applause or some form of acknowledgment of our effort. We received nothing.

Wolfing the nuggets down like we had never eaten before and wishing we had stayed busking for another 30 minutes we headed home.

A tenner is possible for a good night out in London

Nuggets are always worth busking for.

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